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BISS Basic is your Bridge across mine infested, troubled waters!

How it works.





Self Report
Transcript &
Test Scores
*if necessary









*after document




Visa &
Travel Prep
*International Students




Start Classes!


How we do it

Pre-Approval Acceptance:BISS was designed with international students in mind

You will be accepted by institutions if: 

  • Student information submitted to BISS is accurate (All self reported personal and academic information –transcripts, grades and test scores– will need to be followed up with official documentation, which is confirmed by institutions before acceptance becomes official)
  • Admissions requirements are met within the Institutes application period for that academic term or year
  • Attendance acknowledgement correspondence and any deposit is received by institute dead line

Participating Preferred institutions have agreed to ‘pre-approve’ those students who have been matched
with them through BISS. This means that as long as the 4 points stated above are met, the student will be accepted for admittance to institute that has ‘pre-approved’ them. BISS will not match a student with any University or Institute that you do not meet their basic entrance requirements from your self reported information you have stated in the BISS Student Profile and Preference Survey form – (SPPS questionnaire) .

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BISS Exclusive Discounts:

We search for and negotiate with Universities and Institutes that will give tuition discounts and scholarships to BISS students. Many of these Preferred Institute discounts are EXCLUSIVELY for BISS referred students!

If you match with a BISS Preferred institution through BISS but contact them outside of the BISS system you will NOT RECEIVE your BISS related discount. scholarship or financial aid!

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Guidance for Students and Their Families:

Students and parents are educated on the nuances, pitfalls and considerations of each step along the way.  Information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cost (TOPE –Total Out of Pocket Expense)
  • Admissions requirements
  • Required documentation
  • English proficiency testing and whether it is necessary (International students)
  • Basic Visa interview preparation guide (international students)
  • Questions to help you get a realistic personal evaluation of yourself. (What do you want to do vs. what were you made to do?)
  • Helping you choose the right institution
  • Questions to ask matched institutions
  • Questions and guides including help you make personal preference decisions

Get Educated

BISS users have 2 ‘tracks’ to choose from:

UniversitiesFor those seeking a 4 year bachelor’s degree.  This includes 2year Associate of Arts / Associate of Science degrees  for those who:

  • A.)  cannot meet the entrance requirements of their preferred 4 year university
  • B.) want to complete pre-requisites at a lower cost
  • C.) International students who cannot meet the ‘TOPE’ obligations for the full 4 years of a bachelor’s degree program.

BISS offers a track for US Vocational and Technical training, something virutally unheard of for international students and not well known even for domestic US students.VoTech: These are post-secondary schools and institutes that provide targeted training where students earn a certificate, license or associate’s degree (2 year diploma) in a specific skill, trade or technical job.  These programs range from less than 3 months to 4 years  depending on the trade and how far you want to go within that career. 

English Language School (ELS)*: These consist of English Language schools for those who do not meet the English proficiency requirements for the institution or program of choice. These programs start at 3 months and culminate with either a passing grade which your University or VoTech will accept or by taking the TOEFL or IELTS test (English Proficiency Tests). * BISS English Institute in Daska, Pakistan
*International Students ONLY

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Personal Contact:

Our Preferred Universities and Institutes will initiate contact when you are matched with their institution. Their purpose is to educate you about their opportunities. answer questions you may have about their institute, and guide you through the application process.

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 Community Connection:

We provide the opportunity for you and your parents to personally connect with a member of the community independent from the institutes you matched with.  You will get to ask relevant personal questions about the university, environment, and culture to make an informed decision as well as prepare for any circumstances unique to that location. *

*Where Available  

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BISS Term Definitions


VoTech (Vocational, Trade, Technical): Are post-secondary schools and institutes that provide targeted training and education where you earn a certificate, license or associates degree (2 year diploma) in a specific skill, trade or technical job. BISS calls them “VoTech” – a combination of Vocational Education and Training (VET) also called “Industrial Arts”, these are primarily skilled labor type of jobs, and Career and Technical Education (CTE), the more academically or technically oriented job. They can be a combination of classroom, hands-on and on-the-job training. There are hundreds of “VoTech” fields, here are just a few examples:

Air Conditioning tech (HVAC) | Air traffic controller | Pilot certification | Auto Mechanics
A variety of Construction skills | Culinary (chef school) |Elevator Tech | A variety of IT applications
Paralegal | Paramedic & Health-related skills | Plumbing |Hi-tech Welding | and many, many more.

*A full list of options is available as part of BISS Basic Package
VoTech courses can run from less than 3 months to 4 years, averaging between 3 and 6 months. The cost of any given program varies greatly depending upon the vocation or skill chosen. They are typically considerably less expensive than a 3 or 4-year university program. Most programs are also have much easier admissions requirements, given those with lower GPA an option for further education. Many offer either a certificate or license necessary to be employed in that job or field and guided field work experience after completion of the classroom stage. Some have internship programs attached to them as well, often leading to a job offer. There are hundreds of VoTech schools and institutes seeking international students and offer visa sponsorship.


BISS defines the ‘university’ as a 2 year or a 4 year degree program where you physically attend a specific university or (college) in a specific location and are seeking to obtain an Associate (2 year) or a Bachelor’s (4 year) degree/diploma. – BISS has a separate track for those students that wish to pursue ‘online’ courses or degrees — The university track, unlike the VoTech track, is going to be a diverse, broad based educational track. What this means is that in the course of a University based associate or Bachelor’s degree program, a full year or more or more of your studies is going to be spent taking courses in various subjects regardless if they have any relevance to your field of study. You will be required to take some English writing or literature, some history or social studies, some political science and economics, some math, some physical education no matter what you major in. The University track is a broad-based education and the philosophy behind this is to have a student be ‘well rounded’ with some fundamental knowledge in a number of ‘disciplines’. The university track will also require specific minimal entrance requirements that many VoTech’s or Language Institutes do not ask for.

English Language School (ELS)

 These schools exclusive focus on learning English. 

From a practical perspective it is simple. If you are struggling to read and understand this and it is taking you time and effort, then BISS highly recommends that you consider going to an English Language school (ELS) before attempting to go to a university or VoTech institute. 

ELS Advantages: 

  •  FLEXIBILITY: Unlike most university language programs, Independent ELS’s have flexibility. Most have rotating entrance dates meaning that you maybe able to start in October or March or February, etc. as they have multiple class start up dates around the year.
  • VARIETY OF LEARNING LEVELS:  Many ESL’s have a variety of class levels form basic beginner, to intermediate, to high tech or business language classes. Also, language immersion is the best way to master a language in the shortest amount of time
  • STUDENT VISA SPONSORING:  All BISS referred language schools can issue the necessary documents to be submitted to the US consular to gain the all-important student visa 
  • ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE MINIMAL:  ESL’s do not require your Secondary/High school transcripts or records or any other Test scores or entrance exams to gain entrance. They may have you take their own English aptitude test but this is simply so that they will know which level of class to place you in.  Basically, all you need to go to an ELS is the necessary finances to pay for the courses, the TOPE and that you be at least 18 years of age.
  • UNIVERSITY RECOMMENDATIONS: Some ESL institutes have agreements with certain universities to accept you based on their recommendation regardless of your TOEFL score. 
    BISS has it’s own English Language institute in Daska, Pakistan


 The foundation of BISS services is our BASIC package a proprietary, highly affordable,  web-based, ‘matchmaking’ platform that offers a comprehensive step by step approach for US domestic or International Students who desire to continue their education in the U.S (Coming Soon: U.K, Australia, Canada, etc.).

Get the tools you need to advance in your education.